Anderson Intelligencer

May 26, 1914

Page 44


Anderson Soldiers, Some of Whom Have Passed Away – Part 2


            SAMUEL McCRARY of Pendleton—Served with John Martin’s Company, Second Battalion, S. C. Reserves.  Guarded prisoners most of time in Columbia or rather west of the city, where 1,500 Yankees were confined, with less than 300 men to guard them.  They were kept in an old field for three months.  They were all commissioned officers that we would not exchange.  After this they were carried to the old asylum.  At this time Mr. McCrary was sent to the hospital where he had measles and typhoid fever.  He says warfare was something awful and he wonders that all the men didn’t die, sick or well, it was “corn bread and molasses.”  When they got a little meat they ate it all at once and then had to do without for a while.  Mr. McCrary says his fights were limited, as he saw but few battles, but agrees with all the old soldiers that he wants no more war.

            J. W. BALDWIN of Williamston—Enlisted in Co. B, 13th S. C. Regiment.  Served the full time.  Was taken prisoner the day of Lee’s surrender.  Was taken to New York for the purpose of making them regulars in the U. S. Army.  There were 750 men picked for this.  Then began the struggle to force these prisoners to join the regulars.  For weeks they were very nearly starved, the diet being only a slice of bread and a glass of water for one day’s fare, with negroes for their guard.  Later they were allowed a bit of beef.  Still later they were fed very well with Yankees for guard.  About sixty prisoners joined the regulars and about the same number died.  After being convinced that the others would starve before they would join, they were detained but a few weeks more then given a parole and taken to Charleston, leaving them there to do the best they could, this being an awful position as they had neither money nor transportation, and their clothing in such condition that the city officers forbade them to walk the streets.  Mr. Baldwin says tongue can never tell the tortures of a cruel war.

            A. A. HERBERT, of Pelzer—Joined Co. K, S. C. Regiment, in service three and a half years.  With M. S. Messer as captain and Goodlett, colonel.  Mr. Herbert was seriously wounded at the battle of Gettysburg and yet carries a minie ball in his leg received in this battle.  Also lost three fingers at the Kinston, N. C. battle, which he believes to be the worst fight he engaged in during the war.  Mr. Herbert thinks the feelings of a soldier toward the wounded and dead are so different.  A note should be made of it.  If a soldier saw one of his comrades suffering he would risk his life to relieve him, but if he found one of them dead, he gave him but a glance and hastened by.  No doubt this comes from the intensity of war, no time was given for reflection.  Mr. Herbert gave us ____ of an ironclad car used by the Yankees at Newberne, N. C.  It was something new and very useful for war service.  The war played havoc around Newberne and Kinston, being a battle among home folks, with nothing but the state line between, which mattered not to the blue and the gray.  Mr. Herbert laughingly told of the shrewdness of a negro spy, whose smartness only caused him to lose his life.  One of Marse Jolly’s brothers was shot down only a step in front of Mr. Herbert, so near that in the rush he had not the time to walk around but had to step over the dead body.

G. W. DAVIS of Pelzer—Entered service in Co. E, Hampton’s Legion, with Wade Hampton colonel and as Mr. Davis says, the best officer in the south- one who had no fear if duty called.  He saw Hampton when his horse was shot from under him and the next instant the general had mounted another.  Mr. Davis believes the battle of Gettysburg the worst of all the battles.  This veteran served four years.

J. D. HOWARD, of Pelzer—Entered the army in the 24th S.C. Regiment of Volunteers.  Served four years.  A prisoner once at Trevilian.  Had horse shot from under him.  Mr. Howard’s four years of service is full of interest.  Says war means sorrow and destruction with nothing commendable.

J. E. NORREL, of Pelzer—Began service with Co. A, Second S.C. Infantry.  Served four years. Wounded one time.  Was in several battles and skirmishes.  Was in the siege around Petersburg which lasted about six weeks.  Mr. Sorrel [sic] says his four years in the war were trying- full of hardships and weakened every organ of the body and he feels that he deserves a better pension than he receives.  He scarcely gets enough to pay for his drug bill.

H. S. LONG of Pelzer—Entered the service in Co. B, Seventh S. C. Regiment.  During the four years’ service was in the hospital once for a short time and received three furloughs home.  Served the last two years in the cavalry.  Mr. Long says the commanding at Fort Fisher, Wilmington, N. C., was the grandest sight during the war.  Gunboats surrounded the place.  In this battle Gen. Ripley was wounded and taken prisoner, dying in a short time in prison.

L. CHILDRESS of Pelzer—Entered the service with Co. C, Holcomb’s Legion.  Was in the war three years.  Mr. Childress thinks the Second Battle of Manassas his worst experience.  He was captured at Hanover Junction and [sent] to Point Lookout. Ninety-six of his regiment died from dysentery.

P. A. JONES of Pendleton—Entered the war New Year’s Day, 1862.  Joined Co. I, Orr’s Regiment.  Was in the Seven Day’s Battle.  Was first wounded Dec. 13, 1862 at Fredericksburg; later wounded in battle of Riddles Shop.  Had one leg torn up with a bomb shell.  Came home and could not walk for eight months without crutches.  At Spotsylvania they fought breast to breast with the other side.  During the service he was in eight severe battles.  Missed the Battle of Gettysburg on account of measles.  Says he was furiously mad at one time during the war, and that was the time he and three others stole a bee gum, carried it three miles to camp, the heaviest bee gum he ever lifted, and after reaching the camp they invited several of the company to help them eat new honey.  After knocking the head off they found the gum full of wet ashes.  Told of a fright an old blind horse gave him one night while on picket duty.  Says his wife sent him a suit of jeans and a box of provisions, but they failed to reach him.  Says on returning from the war he possessed nothing but a wife and one child and two crutches.  Spoke of the kindness of our late townsman, Joptha Wilson.  War is a bad thing, says Mr. Jones.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]